Friday, June 13, 2008

Bye-Bye Baby!

My first born daughter Ivy, has officially graduated from high school! Yay! It's been a busy week. I was juicing like crazy everyday, sailing, selling cruising guides, watching my little girl graduate...
That truly was my highlight of the week. You should have seen her. She was happy, smiling, dressed in a frilly white gown, looking beautiful! Haha, Ivy, wearing white! She prefers black on black with black trim and buckles. She's come a long way this year and I'm very proud of her. She even has college plans, accepted by her first choice university. Now it's up to me to do the financial legwork. ugh...
It's amazing how fast those 12 years of school have flown by. One minute she's eagerly climbing up onto the school bus for her first day of kindergarten...

Next thing I know, she's off to the post graduation party, driving her own little truck. I've only seen her briefly since then. She's been at the beach for senior week. The only communication I get is sunburn and blister updates by text message.

She's such a mature and responsible adult now...

I tripped over a vine this morning. Hah! The pumpkin that Ivy smashed here last winter has taken root. 

We'll have a pumpkin patch on the front lawn this fall, I guess.

Today is Friday the 13th, day 13 of my Juice Feast. 

So I made it to day 12 feeling healthy and energetic. Last night I ate a ripe tomato off the vine. After that, while I was pulling the coconut meat out of a fresh coconut, I ate some of that too. I just couldn't help it. *grins* It's not exactly like I went on a binge with a bag of fries or something. It was healthy. Still, it's easier to be strong willed if you try for the all or nothing approach. It was oily coconut and my stomach felt a little like a grease pit in the morning. Right now I'm sipping juice of celery, cukes, & ginger, plus some mint from the garden to help settle my stomach. I'm just not hungry at all today.


Joanna RawTn said...

How exciting! A pumpkin patch! yay-ee... Wow, them kiddos grow up too fast, don't they?! Love ya bunches...

Penni said...

Awwwwwww....your baby has graduated! You are such a wonderful mother. I am also so proud of you and your juice is two weeks! You go girl! Everyday is milestone, if you ask me!

Tons of love and good vibes coming at you....


Anonymous said...

Girl, that was a crazy post. You've been so busy. Congratulations to your Number One- she's off to the next exciting phase of her life. You are doing great with your juice feasting and really keeping it all together. Keep blogging (and I love those photos).
XXOO (<--I borrowed those from Wendidee)

RawBin said...

Thank you Joanna, Penni, and Allison.
It's amazing to think about it. Just yesterday I said to my younger daughter (15yrs) how a mutual friend cried the 10 hour drive home after dropping her teen off at college a few years ago. A few minutes later, she said, "Gosh, Mom! You're not crying already, are you? She hasn't even left yet!" I told her I was practicing.

Louisa said...

Time is so fast that we wake up one morning and our children were no longer a child but a carefree teenagers. But I always see to eat that they enjoy every moment of their life, that they experience things that needed to be and that I spend quality time no matter how busy my scheduled are. Seeing her using mac make up brushes and applying her own makeup for the graduation ball, I know that years from now, I need to let her go and make her own family. Congratulations for raising one.